Next, let's reverse the operation to emit the number with a currency symbol and commas to separate hundreds, thousands, and millions. 接下来,让我们反向操作输出带有货币符号和用于分隔百、千、百万的逗号的数字。
DBMONEY: The currency symbol for the money column values in the external data file are in the format specified by the DBMONEY. DBMONEY:外部数据文件中的货币列值的货币符号采用由DBMONEY指定的格式。
C& is the currency symbol, and adds the culture's currency symbol to the appropriate spot. c&是货币符号,将该文化的货币符号添加到适当的位置。
This code is used to determine the currency symbol to display as part of the formatted value. 该代码用来确定作为已格式化值的一部分显示的货币符号。
Compare that to a formatter like Java ™ uses, where the coder can specify where the currency symbol should go, for example, in front, in back, with a space, or without a space. 与Java™使用的格式化程序作一比较,其中编码者可以指定货币符号是放在前面还是后面,带空格还是不带空格。
First, the currency formatting isn't flexible to allow me to specify where I want the currency symbol. 首先,货币格式化灵活性不佳,不允许我指定在我想要的位置放置货币符号。
One scene in which he tries to use a poster printed with the Indian rupee currency symbol to buy carrots is outrageously funny. 在令人捧腹的一幕中,PK企图用一张印着印度货币卢比上相同图案的海报买胡萝卜。
The new official Indian currency symbol: the Indian Rupee Sign 新的官方印度货币符号:印度卢比符号
Unless there is a conversion process in place for the currency, this may cause the incorrect currency symbol to be displayed in the report. 除非对货币进行适当的转换,否则上述更改可能导致在报表中显示错误的货币符号。
Currency symbol:~~ Tap a symbol to indicate currency. 货币符号:~~点击用于表示货币的符号。
{ There is a problem with the currency value.} A slash (/) cannot be used as part of the currency symbol. {货币值出错。}斜线(/)不能作为货币符号的一部分。
Currency symbol position:~~ Tap the currency symbol position. 货币符号位置:~~点击货币符号的位置。
Currency format is usually composed of a locale, currency name, currency subunits, currency symbol, positive format, negative format, currency codes, and currency separators. 货币格式通常由地区、货币名称、货币子单位、货币标记、正数格式、负数格式、货币代码和货币分隔符构成。
Virtual economy means activity in which the currency symbol shows commodity value and virtual capital holds and deals. 虚拟经济是指用货币符号表现商品价值及虚拟资本持有和交易的活动。
The economic damage might make the producers of currency ( the value of the symbol) reduction, but, this will not detract from their vital interests. 经济凋敝也许会使经营者的货币(这个价值的符号)减少,但是,他们的切身利益并不减损。
Of course, the value of the currency because it is a natural form of expression, trading symbol, is the general equivalent. 当然,货币由于是天然的价值的表现形式、交易符号,是一般等价物。
Under the frame of current world monetary system. US Dollar is not only a currency, it is a symbol of economic and political interests. 在现有的货币制度框架下,美元的意义已经超过了货币本身的涵义,它更像是一种经济、政治利益的集中表现形式。
The one hand, they think of metal currency devaluation is a currency symbol, but on the other hand, notes that only inflation can happen, not knowing the currency symbol is also a kind of bank notes. 他们一方面认为贬值的金属货币就是一种货币符号,但另一方面又认为只有纸币才能发生通货膨胀,殊不知纸币也是一种货币符号。